Dinostreaming acknowledges and respects the rights of content creators, regardless of their association with our platform. If you suspect any infringement of your intellectual property rights related to our website, we urge you to promptly contact our designated copyright agent with your concerns. We take all violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) very seriously. To ensure the validity of your copyright complaint under the DMCA, please make sure your submission includes the following information:
- A signature, either physical or electronic, of an authorized representative acting on your behalf as the copyright holder.
- Clear identification of the copyrighted material(s) in question, accompanied by specific references to the content that is allegedly infringing upon your intellectual property rights.
- Your contact details, including full name, telephone number, physical address, and email address, through which Dinostreaming can reach you.
- A written statement affirming that, in good faith, you believe the use of the material in question does not have authorization from the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
- A written statement certifying the accuracy of the provided information and confirming that the author of the statement is authorized, under the threat of perjury, to represent you as the copyright holder.
The complaint should encompass all of the above elements and be sent to our designated Copyright Agent using the contact address provided below:
Email: complaints@dinostreaming.cc
It is vital to understand that misrepresenting any details concerning an alleged copyright infringement can lead to serious legal consequences under federal law. This includes potential monetary damages, legal costs, and attorney fees incurred by us, as well as any copyright holders or licensees who suffer harm due to our reliance on the accuracy of your representation. Additionally, engaging in perjury could result in criminal prosecution.
Please note that the content of this document is not intended as formal legal advice. For comprehensive guidance on the specific requirements for submitting a formal DMCA notification, please refer to 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3).